Yvon Lamour is a recognized leader, and an advocate for the Haitian community, with decades of experience as a guidance counselor, teacher, and Teacher-In-Charge of the Bilingual English Language Acquisition Department and the International Student and Family Center at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Lamour guides students of varied races and ethnicities as they plan for their future. In 1983, following his attendance at the Haitian Creole Institute at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Lamour founded the HCDC-Haitian Creole Development Center for the purpose of conducting language courses and seminars, developing, and disseminating Haitian Creole materials. He has organized teacher trainings in 70+ communities throughout Haiti, and has taught Haitian Creole for Haitians and non-Haitians alike. An author and the recipient of various community awards, he also enjoys a high standing for his never-ending involvement in community affairs related to politics, culture, linguistics, and education. Lamour received his B.S. in English Literature with a minor in ESL-English as a Second Language from University of Massachusetts/Boston, and his M.Ed. and M.S.W. from Boston University.
Yvon Lamour se yon lidè rekoni ak yon defansè kominote ayisyèn nan. Li ki gen plizyè dizèn d ane eksperyans kòm konseye oryantasyon, pwofesè, ak Pwofesè Responsab Depatman Aprantisaj Bileng Lang Angle a (Bilingual English Language Acquisition Department) ak Sant pou Elèv ak Fanmi Entènasyonal la (International Student and Family Center) nan Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, kote Lamour ap gide elèv diferan ras ak etnisite pandan y ap planifye avni yo. An 1983, apre patisipasyon li nan Enstiti Kreyòl Ayisyen an (Haitian Creole Institute) nan Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Lamour te fonde Sant Devlòpman Kreyòl Ayisyen an (HCDC-Haitian Creole Development Center) pou l fè kou ak seminè sou lang, elabore e simaye enfòmasyon an kreyòl ayisyen. Li òganize fòmasyon pou pwofesè nan plis pase 70 Seksyon Kominal nan zòn andeyò Ayiti epi li anseye kreyòl ayisyen pou Ayisyen kou etranje. Li se yon otè ki resevwa diferan pri kominotè, epitou li renome poutèt li pa janm sispann patisipe nan zafè kominotè ki gen pou wè avèk politik, kilti, lengwistik, ak edikasyon. Lamour te resevwa diplòm lisans li nan Literati Angle avèk kòm matyè segondè Angle kòm Dezyèm Lang (ESL-English as a Second Language) nan University of Massachusetts/Boston, epi yon metriz nan edikasyon ak yon metriz nan travay sosyal nan Boston University.