Olivier Arsene Ganthier (Haitian-born; known as OliGa) is a Haitian Neo Pop artist and designer. Ganthier’s figurative work includes portraits, Afro-pop characters, and motifs, which are inspired by tropical settings and urban life, as well as his Afro-Haitian culture. His goal is to spread happiness, peace, love, and success. Most of his characters are his own creations, while others are mixed versions of existing pop culture icons. OliGa’s works are made from various media, including spray paint, digital art (painting), acrylic paint, and markers. OliGa has collaborated with various companies including Lyft, Macmillan, and Unilever (Culture Republic), and he has painted an art car for Mazda for Auto Expo Haiti. His work has also been exhibited in galleries, fairs, and is displayed in the permanent collection of the US Embassy in Haiti. He has made custom artworks for individual celebrities including Colombian reggaeton singer J Balvin, Afro singer Mr Eazi, tennis player Naomi Osaka, and comedian Rachid Badouri.
Olivier Arsene Ganthier (ki fèt Ayiti; ki gen yon ti non OliGa) se yon atis ak kreyatè nan sa yo rele “Haitian Neo Pop,” yon nouvo estil popilè nan lèza ayisyen. Èv figiratif Ganthier a gen ladan pòtre, pèsonaj popilè afriken, ak motif, ki gen kòm enspirasyon kad twopikal, lavi nan lavil, epitou kilti afwo-ayisyen li an. L ap simaye Lajwa,[1] lapè, lanmou, ak siksè. Pifò nan pèsonaj li yo se pwòp kreyasyon pa li alòske gen lòt ki se vèsyon miks senbòl ki deja te deja egziste nan kilti popilè a. Èv OliGa yo fèt apati de diferan materyo tankou paregzanp penti pou flite, la nimerik (penti), penti akrilik, ak fet.  OliGa kolabore avèk diferan konpayi tankou Lyft, Macmillan, ak Unilever (Culture Republic), epi li pentire yon machin atistik avèk Mazda pou yon ekspozisyon machin nan peyi Dayiti, Auto Expo Haiti. Èv li ekspoze tou nan galri, nan fwa epi li fè pati koleksyon pèmanan anbasad ameriken an nan peyi Dayiti. Li fè travay atistik sou kòmann pou moun selèb tankou chantè regetonn kolonbyen J Balvin, chantè afriken Mr Eazi, jwè tenis Naomi Osaka, ak komedyen Rachid Badouri.