Myrtha Wroy has worked on both the East and West coasts, and internationally. She has worked as a  private consultant, and has over 28 years of managerial experience. She holds a Master’s Degree in Science Management from St. Thomas University, and is fluent in English, French, and Haitian Creole. Her fields of expertise include, but are not limited to, business assessment, business development, compliance, contract management, project management, grant support, procurement, acquisitions, and small business assistance. Myrtha holds certifications in Procurement and Contracts Management, and FDOT Title VI compliance. She expands her diverse background by providing the best services to stakeholders. Myrtha is part of multiple associations, including the National Contract Management Association (member), Miami Shores People of Color, dba, South Florida People of Color (board member and Director of Operations), Sosyete Koukouy (member and Facilitator of Events), Miami Book Fair, Little Haiti Book Festival (Planning Committee member), The Children’s Trust (Volunteer Grant Reviewer) and Volunteer Match (member).
Myrtha Wroy travay ni sou kòt Lès la ni sou kòt Lwès la ak nan peyi etranje tou. Li te fè konsiltasyon prive pandan yon sèten tan e li gen plis pase 28 an eksperyans nan jesyon. Li gen yon diplòm metriz nan jesyon syantifik li resevwa nan St. Thomas University epi li pale byen ni angle, ni franse, ni kreyòl ayisyen. Kèk nan domèn espètiz li yo, pami lòt, se evalyasyon antrepriz, devlòpman antrepriz, konfòmite, jesyon kontra, jesyon pwojè, sibvansyon pou èd, apwovizyònman, akizisyon ak èd pou ti biznis. Myrtha gen sètifika nan apwovizyònman ak nan jesyon kontra ak nan konfòmite ak Tit VI Depatman Transpò Florid la (FDOT). Gras a antesedan divès sa a li kapab ofri pati enterese yo pi bon sèvis ki genyen. Myrtha fè pati plizyè asosyasyon, sa gen ladan National Contract Management Association (manm), Miami Shores People of Color, dba, South Florida People of Color (manm konsèy ak Direktè Operasyon), Sosyete Koukouy (manm ak Animatè Aktivite), Miami Book Fair, Little Haiti Book Festival (manm Komite Planifikasyon), The Children’s Trust (benevòl pou Evalyasyon Sibvansyon) ak Volunteer Match (manm).