Muriel Johnson was born and raised in Salisbury, MD. She grew up in an environment where language was celebrated. Her mother was an English teacher, an actress, and an avid reader. As a child, Muriel would sit in awe as her mother would read, tell stories, sing songs, and recite nursery rhymes. By the age of five, Muriel had acquired an extraordinary vocabulary, soaring imagination, and a gift for expression. It was only natural that when Muriel became a mother, and later a teacher, that she was compelled to share the same way her mother had shared with her.  Muriel currently lives in the Bay Area of California, is the mother of three children, and has been an Early Childhood Educator for 20 plus years. She has performed at pre-k and elementary schools, churches, museums, colleges, festivals, and countless other venues, from rural communities on the Eastern Shores of Maryland to the townships of Cape Town South Africa to the coastal communities of Ghana, West Africa. In 2014 Muriel was also a featured storyteller at the renowned  Sierra Storytelling Festival in California. In 2017 she had the distinguished honor of emceeing the festival.
Muriel Johnson te fèt ak leve nan Salisbury, MD. Li te grandi nan yon anviwònman kote yo te selebre lang. Manman li te pwofesè angle, aktris, e yon moun ki te renmen li anpil. Lè li te timoun Muriel te konn chita bouch be pandan manman l ap li, rakonte istwa, chante ak resite pwezi pou timoun. A laj senkan Muriel te gen tan gen yon vokabilè ekstrawòdinè, yon imajinasyon k ap file monte ak yon talan pou ekspresyon. Natirèlman, lè Muriel vin manman epi apre sa pwofesè, li vin gen anvi fè menm bagay sa yo manman li te fè avèk li yo.  Kounye a Muriel rete nan Bè Kalifòni, li se manman twa timoun e l ap anseye nan jadendanfan depi plis pase 20 ane. Li fè prezantasyon nan jadendanfan ak nan lekòl elemantè, nan legliz, nan mize, nan inivèsite, nan festival ak nan yon kantite kote depi nan kominote andeyò yo sou kòt lès Maryland pase pa minisipalite Cape Town Afrik di Sid rive nan kominote kotye yo nan Ghana, Afrik de Lwès. An 2014 Muriel te yon odyansyèz vedèt tou nan Sierra Storytelling Festival ki renome an Kalifòni, an 2017 li te gen onè distenge anime festival la.