Charlot Lucien is a Haitian born storyteller, visual artist, and lecturer on Haitian culture and history, based in Norwood Massachusetts. He is the founder of the volunteer group Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts. He has coordinated cultural events in New England to promote Haitian culture and bridge cross-cultural gaps, partnering with cultural, academic, and community groups. He has presented lectures and storytelling performances in the US, Canada, France, Guadeloupe, and Haiti. He is the author of five storytelling CDs (in Haitian Creole and French), a poetry book, and two volumes of satirical caricatures. He is the recipient of various awards for his cultural advocacy and his promotion of Haitian storytelling. In his professional life, he is a public health administrator for the commonwealth of Massachusetts and has managed HIV/AIDS and refugee health and mental health programs for years.
Charlot Lucien ki fèt Ayiti, se yon odyansè, yon atis vizyèl ak yon konferansye sou kilti ak listwa Ayiti, ki rete nan Norwood Massachusetts. Li se fondatè gwoup benevòl Rasanbleman Atis Ayisyen nan Massachusetts (Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts). Li kowòdone aktivite kiltirèl nan New England pou pouse kilti ayisyen an epi konble fose kiltirèl la, nan tèt ansanm avèk gwoup kiltirèl, akademik, ak kominotè. Li prezante konferans ak tire kont nan Etazini, Kanada, Lafrans, Lagwadloup ak Ayiti. Li se otè senk (5) CD kont (an kreyòl ayisyen ak an franse), yon liv pwezi ak de (2) liv karikati mokè. Li resevwa diferan rekonpans pou jan li defann kilti ayisyen an epi pouse lodyans ayisyen. Nan lavi pwofesyonèl li, li se yon administratè sante piblik pou eta Massachusetts epi sa fè plizyè ane l ap jere pwogram VIH/SIDA ak sante fizik ak mantal refijye.