Anjanette Delgado, a Puerto Rican writer and journalist, is the author of The Heartbreak Pill, winner of the Latino International Book Award, and The Clairvoyant of Calle Ocho. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and publications such as the Kenyon Review, Pleiades, Vogue, and The New York Times. She characterizes the work in Home in Florida: Latinx Writers and the Literature of Uprootedness (University of Florida Press), as “literatura del desarraigo,” a Spanish literary tradition. Home in Florida features fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by Reinaldo Arenas, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Jaquira Díaz, Patricia Engel, Carlos Harrison, and many others. These writers – first-, second-, and third-generation immigrants to Florida from places such as Cuba, Mexico, Honduras, Perú, Argentina, and Chile – reflect the diversity of Latinx experiences across the state. Together, they explore what exactly makes Florida home for those struggling between memory and presence.
Anjanette Delgado (Puerto Rico) – Escritora y periodista. Reside en Miami. Tiene una maestría en escritura creativa en la Universidad Internacional de la Florida. Ha publicado las novelas La píldora del mal amor (2009, Latino International Book Award) y La clarividente de la Calle Ocho (2014). Es editora de la antología Home in Florida: Latinx Writers and the Literature of Uprootedness (University of Florida Press, 2021). Su obra ha sido incluida en numerosas antologías, así como en The Kenyon Review, Pleiades, Vogue, Hostos Review, Boston Review, the Women’s Review of Books, The Hong Kong Review (de la cual fue editora), NPR y The New York Times (Modern Love). Obtuvo un premio Emmy y, en el 2020, fue nominada a un premio Pushcart por la revista Pleiades.