Alex Aster is a recently graduate from The University of Pennsylvania where she majored in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She started writing when she was 13 and has written six books. Curse of the Night Witch (Sourcebooks Young Readers) is just the first one published. The Emblem Island series is inspired by the Latin American myths her Colombian grandmother told her as a child before bedtime. On Emblem Island all are born knowing their fate. Their lifelines show the course of their life and an emblem dictates how they will spend it. Twelve-year-old Tor Luna was born with a leadership emblem, just like his mother. But he hates his destiny and is determined to choose a different path for himself. So, on the annual New Year’s Eve celebration, Tor wishes for a different power. The next morning, he wakes up to discover a new marking on his skin. It’s a curse that gives him only a week to live. The only one way to break the curse requires a trip to the notorious Night Witch. With two friends by his side, Tor must travel across a land filled with wicked creatures he only knows through ancient myths, in a race against his dwindling lifeline.
January 14, 2025
Alex Aster
Alex Aster is a recently graduate from The University of Pennsylvania where she majored in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She started