Briana is an international author. Her published novels include “ A Journey With You “ published from USA and “ Behind the Curtains” published from Hong Kong. Her third book “ A Masked Identity” will be released soon. The scenic beauty of the city she grew up and the dark side of “ Terrorism “ has been an inspiration for “ A Journey With You “ and complicated human relationships with human instinct is inspiration for “ Behind the Curtains “
She has also launched her first book “ A Journey With You” in UBUD international writers festival Bali, Indonesia. Briana has launched her book “A Journey With You” at the Frankfurt Book Fair,2020 ( Frankfurter Buchmesse) and will be live for an author’s session at the Fresh Book Festival, 2021 Florida on the first week of January
Hello all fair visitors and book lovers, this is the best time of the year to connect among book lovers and fair goers of Miami and abroad . I am Briana, an author with 2 published fiction and I have decided to meet you all via zoom session on 21st November,2020, EDT 10am to talk about my books and interests.