Radio Kronos LLC publica Libros de Editorial Wicca la Vieja Religion en español e ingles.
Omar Hejeile Through Wicca editorial, rescue the immeasurable power of the human being and nature; a power that everybody has, feels, prescribes, but few know, through shows, encourage without imposing a truth or a concept, so that each one that feel the call from inside, who discovers the magic of dreams, and wants to get the knowledge, thus, the transformation of your life reaches the scepter of happiness. The old religion has reborn… and is in your hands.
WICCA La vieja religión basada en el conocimiento mágico, de viejas culturas perdidas en el tiempo, escapadas del mundo de los hiperbóreos renacen como el fénix la armonía del hombre con la naturaleza.
WICCA The old religion based in the magic knowledge of lost old cultures in time, escaped from the hyperborean world, reborn like the phoenix, the harmony of man with nature.