CONCUSSED is a football story and a provoking mystery. A retired NFL player, suffering from brain injury (CTE), begins to replicate the violence he had engaged in on the football field to Sunday homicides off the field. South Beach detectives investigating two murders in the world-famous resort area finally link those crimes to the Miami Dolphins’ 2019 regular season schedule, and the hunt for the killer begins. CONCUSSED is original and timely, and appeals to both football fans and those who love a suspenseful read. The novel is for sale on Amazon as a paperback ($14.99) or ebook ($9.99).
Howard Kreps has been perfecting his writing craft since post-baccalaureate studies in journalism and broadcasting at the University of Florida. His works include novels, short stories, film scripts, theatrical plays and poetry. His other passion is photography, and a collection of his most notable photographs is included in a unique autobiographical retrospective. He presently lives in Margate, Florida, after careers in Washington, D.C., New York City, and five years aboard his 37′ sloop as a charter captain in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Howard has lived an adventurer’s life, and his pursuits find their way into the writing he creates.