Bianca Ukah currently resides in Coconut Creek Florida and attends Winston Park Elementary School. Her Hobbies include singing, dancing, and acting but, above all, she has an insatiable appetite for swimming.
One day after swimming lessons during the fall of 2017, she approached her mom and requested assistance with writing a book about her aquatic experiences. Although she was barely four years old at the time, her leadership, resolve, and foresight gave life to the motivation for “Binky The Mermaid”. She left her mom with no choice but to follow her well-defined lead and the rest is history.
Join us on Face Book Live @binkythemermaid on the following dates and times for our live book reading, give away, Q&A and more.
November 15, 2020 at 2pm – Live Book Reading
November 18, 2020 at 4pm – Meet The Authors
November 22, 2020 at 2pm – Live Book Reading
Follow us on Face Book and Instagram daily @binkythemermaid for special promotions during the week.