Friends of Miami Book Fair
Support the Literary Arts Year-Round!
Miami Book Fair is the beating heart of literary culture in South Florida and an international phenomenon that has deepened the life-changing impact Miami Dade College has made on more than two million students, their families, and the community at large. And by supporting what’s become the country’s best book fair and a centerpiece of cultural Miami, our Friends gift us all with an invaluable lasting legacy.
This year, Miami Book Fair will be a hybrid experience offering virtual and in-person author sessions and events. Your support – in light of the struggles wrought by the pandemic – will make its biggest and most meaningful difference yet, as we continue to bring Miami Book Fair FREE to the community.
Our Friends Help Our Programs Thrive
We’re depending on our Friends and your support more than ever as we work to bring you the authors and programs you love, during eight magical days in November as well as year-round. This year, Friends membership will include online and in-person benefits
Virtual & In-Person Benefits: * All Friends. All Levels. All Year.
- Early entry and priority seating with the best views in the house at major venues based on membership level
- Ticket reservations two weeks prior to the public
- Two-week advance notice of author schedule
- Invitation to Special VIP events and receptions
- Limited edition Book Fair poster and exclusive MBF merchandise
- A dedicated Friends liaison
- Free admission to the Weekend Street Fair
- Unlimited Access to all Virtual Programs
* Some benefits will be dependent upon the evolving situation with COVID-19 and ensuring the safety of our attendees.
$5,000 / Chairman’s Circle
- 4 Membership Badges that identify you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 16 “Evenings With” Tickets
- 5 complimentary books by authors presenting at the Book Fair
- Access to Friends Hospitality Lounge
- Meet and greet with authors
- Special recognition as a Chairman level supporter in author sessions, Book Fair website, & Fairgoers’ Guide (deadline 9/1)
- Opportunity to introduce an author
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
$2,000 / Publisher
- 4 Membership Badges that identify you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 12 “Evenings With” Tickets
- Access to Friends Hospitality Lounge
- Meet and greet with authors
- Special recognition as a Publisher level supporter in author sessions, Book Fair website, & Fairgoers’ Guide (deadline 9/1)
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
$1,000 / Editor-in-Chief
- 4 Membership Badges that identify you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 8 “Evenings With” Tickets
- Access to Friends Hospitality Lounge
- Meet and greet with authors
- Special recognition as an Editor-in-Chief level supporter in author sessions, Book Fair website, & Fairgoers’ Guide (deadline 9/1)
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
$500 / Agent
- 3 Membership Badges that identify you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 6 “Evenings With” Tickets
- Access to Friends Hospitality Lounge
- Special recognition as an Agent level supporter in author sessions, Book Fair website, & Fairgoers’ Guide (deadline 9/1)
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
$250 / Writer
- 1 Membership Badge that identifies you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 4 “Evenings With” Tickets
- Access to Friends Hospitality Lounge
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
$100 / Reader
- 1 Membership Badge that identifies you as a Friend during in-person Book Fair events
- 1 “Evenings With” Tickets
- All benefits listed under “All Friends. All Levels. All Year.”
2020 Impact:
Friends Support Helped Make the Following Possible
We’re depending on our Friends and your support more than ever as we work to bring you the authors and programs you love, during eight magical days in November as well as year-round. This year, Friends membership will include online and in-person benefits
More than 450 Friends contributed last year at all levels, and your support helps fuel programs that promote reading, writing, and equal access to the arts in our community.
Friends’ support helped make the following possible at last year’s Miami Book Fair:
- 530 authors from 55 countries
- 500+ author sessions and events
- 5,345 free books in the hands of children
- 10,200+ children participating in our virtual GGA program
- 100+ exhibitors in our virtual marketplace
Thank you!
Questions? Need More Information?
Please contact Annalisa Damley, Friends liaison, in the Miami Book Fair membership office at 305.237.7837, 786.208.5402 (cell), or, or Lisa Better, Friends and Sponsorship Liaison, at
Should you have any issues purchasing your membership online, please contact SquadUP Customer Support at 305.407.1655 or
Thank You to Our Friends
Ellen & Sandy Nusbaum, Marsha Soffer
Anonymous, Myrna & Sheldon Palley + Donna & Mark Kass, Lisa Sloat & Hank Klein
Sim Aberson & Mike Jankulak, Sara Adler & Eliot Abbott, Julie Apple, Carolann W. Baldyga, Elizabeth Birdsall & Eric Young, Michael Blades & Katheryn Kilroy, The Buttrick Family, Kathryn & Philip Carroll, Center for Conflict Resolution, Inc., Sandra & Stephen Colyer, Marcia Dunn, Behna & Lanny Gardner, Catherine Grieve, Jinny Johnson, Yvonne Makenna, Ann Morrison, Lamar J. Noriega, Hyon & Tim O’Brien, Tim Regier, J.L. Richardson, Alita & Rick Rogers, J.J. Schmidt, Lillian Tamayo & Eileen Diamond, Penny & Richard Thurer, Guy & Candis Trusty
Amy Agnoli, Kathy Aldan, Judy & Stephen Alderman, Susan & Charles Allen, Bruce Alter, Jules Anderson, Bernardine Atkins, Georgette Ballance, JoAnne Bander, Phyllis Barolsky, Margarita C. Battle, C. M. Bennett, Lyndenise Berdecia, Emily Berlin, Diane S. Berman & Walter Dorfman, Margrit S. & Roger Bernstein, Karen Bertocci, Lisa Better, Susan Bieker, Barbara Bisno, Rachel & Wil Blechman, Hope Curson Blinski, Jill Bloom, Leonard H. Bloom, Janet Bolen, Maria P. Bona, Nina Boniske, Gil J. Bonwitt,, Marilyn Borowsky, Marissa Boyescu, Terry O. Brackett, Rochelle Broder-Singer, Daniel P. Brown, Margie & Mark Buchbinder, Dr. Amy Buchman, Arthur Buckelew, Maria Budet, Nolen Bunker, John Burkowski, Lauren Butcher, Elaine Collett Buza, Mirtha Carballo, M. Ivelisse Castro, Susan Marie Chapman, Amy S. Chappell, Cynthia Christoph, Lucinda Clark, Jane Claud, Catherine C. Clause, Jeri B. Cohen, Simmy Cohen, Leslie Concepcion, Amy Paige Condon, Carole Cook, Clarice Cooper, Susan Cumins, Debra Dalin, Linda Datko, Mimi & Gaston Daumy, Sarah Davis, Zena Decky, Karen DeCou, Lisa & David Desmond, Danielle Lise Desrochers, Donna Dial, Sally Dieguez, Mim Duncan, Suzanne Dunn, Ally Easley, Susan Edgar-Lee, Patti Elias, Martin Engels, John Enger, Catherine Esposito Prescott, Donna Fales, Lynda Farber, Judith Farber, Susan & Alfred Feingold, Priscilla Felisky Whitehead, Roni Fertig , Paula Finkle, Paul Fletcher, Christine G. Florez, Sandra Foertsch, Mary Jo Francis, Sheila Freed, Richard & Judy Freedberg, Jennifer Frehling, Nancy Frehling, Dr. Yvette Fuentes, Julie Gagnon, Miriam Gallardo, Susan Galler, Tania Gilinski, Conrad Gleber, Katrina Gleber, Eileen Glynn, Etta D. Gold, Liz Goldberg, Cynthia Goldsmith, Janet & Donald Goldstein, Itziar Gonzalez, Connie Goodman-Milone, Dianne Gottlieb, Bob Goudy, Maureen Gragg, Valerie Gramling, Elizabeth Grass, Barbara Gray, Clifford Gray, Henry Green, Beverly Greenberg, Christine Gregory, LaNeil Gregory, Carla Grieve, Marcia Hackel, Julia Hammond, Susan Han, Ossie Hanauer, Diane Hanson, Catherine S. Hanus-Zank, Tim Harrington, Anne Harrington, Frank Harrington, Lelia Harrington, Jackie Hassine, Gisela Haynes, Russ Herman, Jim Herron, Brian Hersh, Paula Hesch, Mary Hladky, Allison D. Hockman, Jennifer Homan, Naomi Honig, Hannah & David Hostyk, Anna Huff, Joan Husband, Janice & Herbert Hymanson, Laurel Isicoff, Cathy & Tom Jaffee, Lisa Jensen, Diana B. Kahn, Barbara Karn, Sue Kilrain, Karen Kiselewski, Deborah Koch, Nancy Koeppel, Marsha Kreucher, Lizzz Kritzer, Candi Lacey, Debra Lair, John Lair, Harriet Lancaster, Tim Lawler, Maureen Lawless Mestepey, Carol Lebischak, Karen Leckey, Charles Leder, Diane Lederman, Suzanne Lee, David O. Leiwant, Cindy Lerner, Theodore Levitt, Janie Libanoff, M&M Lichtenheld, Renee & David Lieberman, Nancy Lipoff, Elaine Litvak, Judy Loft & Joe Reid, Bonnie Losak, Carol E. Ludwig, Steve Lynch, Anne Marie Macari, Nancy MacColl, Susan MacDonald, Bob & Steve MacLeod, Dr. Marcia Maloni, Lois Mamula, Lorelee Manheimer, Merri Mann, Karin Martinez, Catherine M. Mayer, Teresa McAllister, Sherra McLeod, Celia Rothberg Meadow, Corinne & Stewart Merkin, Melanie P. Merriman, Lynn Meyer, Robert Meyer, Timothy Meyerson, Rebecca Michel, Debby Miller, Christine Mohrmann, Adriana Molina, Robert Morison, Dale Moses, Pamela Nelson, Lynn Northland, Debbie Norton, Nedra Oren, Ileana Oroza, Kim Ovcarich, Dale Owen, Tanya Palmer, Dr. Paul E. Pataky, Valerie L. Patterson, Ph.D., Sue & Frank Pearl, Jill Peters, Kathleen Pham, Giselle Pole, Karen Pomerantz, Elena Postal, Kristin Potter-Oliveri, Lyle Prescott, Ira Price, Paige Provenzano, Judith Ratzan, Rosemary Ravinal, Kathleen Redmond, Rebecca Reeves, Diana Reeves, Lolo Reskin & Jason Hall, M. Joyce Rico, MD, Regina Rinaldi, Art Ritas, Brooke Roberts-Webb, Andrea Robertson, Meri-Jane Rochelson, Lissette Rodriguez, Helene Romine, Merle Rothenberg Saferstein, Gail Rubini, Anne Russell Russell, Aileen Sabanal, Deborah Sack, Michelle Samplin-Salgado, Adele Sandberg, Dr. Joel Sandberg, Margery Sanford, Beth Sapery & Rosita Sarnoff, Claire Savitt, Katherine Schenck, Debra & Dennis Scholl, Barbara Schuman, Bonnie Schwartzbaum, Linda Scott, Marie Seibel, John & Suzanne Sennetti, Carrie Shea, Kathleen Sheeran, Karen Sherman, Adela Shiner, Marty Shuham, Arline & Lawrence Silver, Harriet Silverglate, Louise Silverstein, Elaine Silverstein, Myra Silverstein, Julie & Gary Simon, Lorena Siqueira, Jane Smith, Leta Smith, Sharon Socol, Rev. Julio R. Solano, Mervyn Solomon, Crispy Soloperto, Mark & Cindy Soloway, Jean Soman, Marilyn Ayares Sopka, Sarah Sorkin, Irene Sperber, Courtney & Miriam Spitz, Elaine Spitzer, Janet Stearns, Linda Steckley, Alissa Pardo Stein, Rae Stein, Sandra Stein, Suzanne J. Stolar, Adele Stone, Judith Stopek, Marilyn Strauss, Karen & Art Strouse, Patty Stulp, KC Swick, Nicole Tallman, Susanna Tarjan, June Tarter, Frances Tatis, Carole Ann Taylor, Peter Tesche, Gail Tescher, Pam Thomas, Bettie H. Thompson, Gerry Tiziani, Penny Townsend, Lisa Treister, Susan Trevarthen, Mark A. Trowbridge, Lidia V. Tuttle, Mary Tweedy, Laura Varela, Liana Vasseur, Kiki Vazquez, James Veber, Ana Veciana-Suarez, Ruthanne Vogel, Dianne R. Walsh, Wendy Ward, Allita Wax, John Wells, Kathy & Steve Werthman, Linda Whitmyre, Sandra Williams, Marion Wolf, Bruce Wolf, Jessie Wolfson, Olympia Wood, John Wood, Rosalind Zacks, Michele L. Zakis, Angela Zentefis