Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better is a bold call to reexamine how our government operates – and how it sometimes fails. JENNIFER PAHLKA shows why we must stop trying to move what we have today onto new technology and instead consider what it would mean to truly recode American government. In Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream, ALISSA QUART explores America’s “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” credo, arguing that at the heart of our suffering is the misplaced belief that we must rely on ourselves alone. Bootstrapped is a powerful examination of what ails us at a societal level and how we can shed the American obsession with self-reliance. Moderating is NANCY ANCRUM, editorial page editor at the Miami Herald.
Buy Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better. – Pahlka
Buy Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream. – Quart